Tuesday, September 7, 2010


呵呵~ 最近都看不到我在update blog, 那是因为。。。我的电脑坏了。。。不过呢。。。我爸爸买了一个新电脑~ 耶~~ 对了,大家在假期里都做些什么呢?我在星期天就去了KLCC的书香会~那里有很多书叻~嗯,这个书香会是从9月4日---9月12日。有兴趣的话就去!不过入门票要2零吉。。未满18岁的~不用钱!


Helooooo~Now i'm at my house nothing to do because now is HOLIDAY!After a while mungkin saya akan go to Leisure Mall(i say mungkin)...And this holiday is a week long luh...Kinda sort ya?At holiday,my ''holiday timetable'' is like this:Wakeup at 10:30 am or what,and then eat my cereal breakfast,and then do whatever i wanna do(like drawing,watch TV,etc),and then ...Eat lunch loh,like Mcdonald,rice,porridge or whatever...At night,eat dinner loh...And then watch the 10 pm show...And then sleep...Kinda boring ya?Although it is boring,but it's sooooooo FREEEEE!!!But cannot meet with my friends luh...=3=
Ok that's all~

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Let's smile(?)

H.E.L.L.O.~Denise here~(of course)Hoho~Now i am using my daddy's laptop to write this post.Why?Because now i am at my grandmother's house!!!Yeah~Now Raymond(my cousin) is eating his porridge...-.-
And yesterday ny aunt go back already...Miaow :P now i can't hoho(?) because how can i smile??
And of course i am smilling now...Let's smile together~(i think i am crazy now)

Happy Birthday Sylvia!

Lol~Guess what day today is?Merdeka day?NO--My birthday?NO--And it is-:Sylvia's birthday!!!And wish you a happy birthday & found a husband ;P hehe...Let me ''sing'' a song for you~
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you~
Happy birthday to you-u~
Happy birthday to---you~~!
Ya i know this song is so lame..-.-

Thursday, August 12, 2010


沒辦法,只好明天補考了. *唉唉唉*

Monday, August 9, 2010


Yeah!Later my aunty will come to my house for living 4 days~But i haven't finish my homework(the maths loh) yes...And tommorow have B.M. Pemahaman exam!!!Oh my god because of this,i need to studay alottt of books...*sob* And to Leann please give me your new blog address again because i have lost it please please please!!!
Emn...this post is kinda short...
And if you wanna know what me,Clarice,Xiao Hui and Janice happen with Shelby,please go to my friends,Weiyu's blog:http://www.bestfriendhere.blogspot.com

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just Now

Just now is soooo much fun!First i chat(in MSN) with Leann,and then because we are bored so we decided to play some MSN games.And first we play ''Rock,Paper,Scissors'',i won all ^^;And then we decided to play ''Star Bowling''(i guess the spelling is correct),but it fail because mine failed loading;So at last we play ''Bumping Stars''!!!We play a round and a round.When we play in the middle game,my mummy call me to eat some food so we paused a while.I eat the Kimchi mee(some kind of maggie mee) and the Mcdonald GCB burger!!!And when i finish all,i went to play we Leann again!We play until she says she need to log off(*sob*).
And it takes alot of times to do these!But still,it's fun!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Hi and i'm Denise~Today i take my dog to Petsmore to have a ''bath and dry'' grooming~And now he's smell soooooo good~And i have a cbox already,hope you all will enjoy~And i like Sunday because:
  1. I can go to church(to play!)
  2. Got alotttttt of channels to watch~
  3. I can eat the pork mehoon!

And thats why i love Sunday~You?

P/s:I will have exam at this week so i would not upgrade a few days.(maybe)

Hmn...Gotta wash my shoes now~

Friday, August 6, 2010

Magic pen

Hi,everyone. Denise here,would you like to hear a story? Here's one.......

Once upon a time,there was a girl named Sabrina. It was holiday,and Sabrina have lots of homework,she is gonna scream! So she run to the beach to cry.Suddenly! Sabrina found a magic lamp! She rub and rub and rub....Then,theres a Genie came out. That Genie ask Sabrina why she cry,Sabrina told Genie all about her homework,that Genie felt Sabrina was pity,so it gave her a magic pen! That Genie told Sabrina it was a magical pen that can help you do your homework in just one second,but if she told anyone about this,this magical pen would not work anymore.Sabrina said ok than she go away.Sabrina was happy! She go back to the home,then she took her homework out then she said to pen:'' Pen oh pen,please help me finish these homework in one second.''. One second later,the pen finish those homework! Sabrina was very very happy that she want to everyone about this pen! But she remembered the Genie said cannot,so Sabrina didn't said about it. When Sabrina's school open already,Sabrina's friend ask her when she doned har homework,Sabrina forget about that Genie said what because she was too happy! And she said about the magic pen to her friends! After school, Sabrina ran home and want to use her magic pen to do her homework. But when she said:''Pen oh pen,please help me do these homework in one second.'',the pen won't do it! Sabrina felt strange,then she remembered that she told her friends about it! Sabrina was very sad,but she cant help with something. So,she have to face about it.......


Welcome to my(Denise)spaces!You are always invited to my blog!And if you didn't see i update my blog recently,that means i'm busy~But i will still take some time to update my blog~And if you visit my blog,please click the followers so i can remember you~(and i will say thank you for your support)And,i will never scold a bad word in my post 'cause i'm Denise!
***Thanks for reading this welcome post~***